Learning Resources

The library is located on the second floor, in the southern section of the building near Classroom 1. We are open from 7:30 AM to 11:00 PM, Monday through Thursday. If you would like to use the library at any other time, please ask an instructor to accompany you.
Library Catalog: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/ANHO
All books (excluding current textbooks) and journals are available for in-library usage.
What’s new?
- The library collection is undergoing some changes! Finding books will be easier than ever!
- Online Learning Resources Corner: Learn about taking classes online and being a successful online learner.
- Domestic Violence Resources
- Binder of Safety/Primary Prevention Resources
- Literature Review conducted by ANHO faculty
- Collection of books on Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence, Stalking, and Rape
Available resources:
13 Dell Laptop Computers with Windows 7
Web Resources
- ATI access at http://www.atitesting.com
- Elsevier Evolve access at https://evolve.elsevier.com
- HESI at https://hesiinet.elsevier.com/
- Free databases for research at http://www.flelibrary.org
- CINAHL and Learning Express NCLEX test prep access through the Palm Beach County Library www.pbclibrary.org
Software on each Computer
- Medcin EHR
- Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
PLEASE NOTE: USB ports on computers in the library are disabled, and there is no way to access Wi-Fi from your own device. In order to use your own files, please email them to yourself in advance, or utilize a cloud service like Google Drive, iCloud, or Microsoft OneDrive. You will then be able to download, edit, print, etc.
Textbooks: available for in-library use in 2 hour increments per student. |
Do you have a suggestion for improvement? Please email info@anho.edu, or drop an anonymous note in the black box in the library.
Simulation Laboratory Resource Center

The Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations (ANHO) is excited about igniting students with a passion to learn outstanding nursing care with the use of High-Fidelity Patient Simulators (HFPS). ANHO views the use of the Sim Lab as a powerful way to build students’ confidence along with skill and ultimately foster their desire to be excellent nurses.The mission of the Sim Lab is to provide evidenced-based education preparing nurses to provide safe, competent, and compassionate care.
Our goal is to provide all nursing students the opportunity to practice nursing skills in a highly realistic health care environment. The students are able to explore the elements of nursing practice in a safe and worry-free setting.
We offer:
- Several High-Fidelity Patient Simulators
- Simulations in Medical-Surgical, Pediatric, Labor and Delivery, and Geriatric areas
- Scenarios that develop thinking, reasoning, nursing judgment, and reflection skills
- Emphasis on patient safety through promotion of the National Patient Safety Goals
- Audio and video recording for sessions to provide optimal student learning
- Electronic Health Record Program